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Metal Puzzles That Are Heavy in Weight

I must add that I am not a doctor and this article does not contain any medical advice, treatment or diagnosis (see disclaimer).

Metal brain teasers come in a variety of different shapes and sizes and have can a different number of pieces that they consist of and they can also be of different weights. If a metal puzzle feels heavy can be different for different people but the weight of a metal brain teaser can certainly have an impact on how enjoyable it is to play with and how easy it is to manipulate and complete the challenge. Some may feel too heavy to hold for too long which could be a problem if it is a handheld metal puzzle and therefore strategies may need to be devised to combat and get around this problem. Two metal puzzles can be of the same size and shape but have very different weights due to the fact they are made from different types of metals and this also means that a bigger metal puzzle in size doesn't always mean it is heavier. Puzzles do come in a variety of different metal types and the different types of this material can give a puzzle a different look and feel to it in terms of texture and weight and certain metal types are also chosen for a puzzle as they can make it more robust and damage resistant to certain threats. Zinc, aluminium, stainless steel, copper and brass have all been used to make puzzles and another factor that is important as to what determines the type of metal used for a puzzle is how easy it is to cast. Looks can be deceiving and I can often be surprised by how heavy a metal puzzle is in reality to what I guess I was expecting it to be from just looking at the picture of it and this surprise is usually down to how small or narrow the puzzle looks.

Looking up the weight of a metal brain teaser before I purchase it is not something I usually do as I am more interested in the challenge it presents but when I do that information can often be easily found by searching for it online. I would only take note of the weight or intentionally seek it out when that information seems important for me to know such as if I was worried about what strain the puzzle would put on my body parts when using it or if I wanted to know if it would be suitable to carry on me or how robust it is. It is also important for me to check the dimensions as well to get a true idea of how the puzzle will feel to hold or use as a picture of a puzzle can be deceiving as to how big and heavy it is. I could check if there is a comment section for the metal puzzle as people who have already bought and used it may have left comments about it and therefore there may be comments on how heavy the puzzle is or they found it to be and if that has been a problem for them or was to their liking. A video of the metal puzzle if there is one in action could also be ideal in giving to me the best impression as what to expect from it in terms of its weight and what impact that will have using it and if I can find a review of the puzzle perhaps in a blog or on youtube then the reviewer may address this as well.

A metal brain teaser is often an assembly/disassembly challenge that consists of more than one piece and when this type of puzzle is put all together and complete it can sometimes be heavy in weight but when taken apart the individual pieces are light in weight. This type of metal puzzle though can consist of a lot of pieces and still be relatively light in weight when it is all put together or it can be that the metal puzzle is heavy when all put together and the pieces it consists of are heavy or that some of them are heavy. A construction challenge is another type of metal puzzle that can have a lot of pieces to it and that starts off unassembled like a jigsaw and then those pieces have to be built into either what the challenge of the puzzle demands or whatever my imagination can come up with. Some construction puzzles can get very big in size when completed but again that doesn't mean always mean they will be very heavy in weight and may, in fact, be quite light to hold up. The individual pieces these metal construction puzzles consist of can often be of various sizes and weights but sometimes they can all be of or most of them be of a similar size. The weight of these individual metal construction puzzle pieces won't always correspond to their size and what I would expect so some smaller pieces may feel very heavy and some larger pieces may feel light to hold. Smaller metal puzzles that fit in the palm of my hand or the palms of my hands are most often handheld challenges unless they contain a lot of pieces that would be difficult to hold up and solve the challenge at the same time. Whereas puzzles larger than this are usually meant to be placed onto something like a table or possibly the floor to take the load whilst solving them or because they are too big to hold up by hand(s) or because they have too many pieces to hold up and solve the puzzle at the same time.

I find that I often like and prefer the feel of a heavier puzzle in the hand to one that is light in weight and that feels like there is nothing in my hands at all. It is not always true but a heavier handheld metal puzzle does often feel like it has a more substantial or difficult challenge than one that is light in weight and that when I hold a heavier handheld metal puzzle for the first time in my hands I have higher expectations, that sometimes turn out to be too high, that this will be a good/difficult challenge. Weightier metal puzzles can sometimes feel to me more strenuous to manipulate especially for my fingers and therefore this can mean that it is slow or tough to physically manipulate and solve. If the heavy metal brain teaser is fiddly to manipulate as well then it can be really demanding and challenging on the fingers having to perform intricate and tricky manoeuvres as well as physically move the weighty parts of it. A weighty metal puzzle or a part of it can sometimes feel uncomfortable for me to hold or operate when it has protrusions especially if they are pointy or sharp as these protrusions have weight behind them and I will obviously try to hold and use the puzzle in a way to avoid coming into physical contact with them as the puzzle should be designed to allow for this. For me to avoid these protrusions it will involve me thinking ahead and visualizing how I will use and operate the metal puzzle to achieve this but may take trial and error to get right and also doing the puzzle slowly to avoid accidentally coming into contact with a protrusion. A heavy handheld metal brain teaser can also sometimes have a part of it or pieces to it that I could get a finger or part of my hand trapped into or in between and get crushed if I go on to then manipulate and manoeuvre the puzzle whilst my finger or body part is still trapped. To avoid this I will again have to try to think ahead and spot this potential problem ahead of time by checking for places I could get part of my hand trapped into before I start trying to use and solve the puzzle and by operating it slowly so if part of my hand does get trapped I give myself time to recognise this has happened and do something about it before it is crushed.

The weight of a metal brain teaser can help to ascertain the contents of or what is inside it when this cannot be seen and doing this before trying to solve or open it means I should have a good idea of what to expect from the puzzle and be able to come up with a good strategy to solve it. The weight in relation to its size plus any noise it makes when I shake or lightly tap it against a surface can give me an idea of whether the metal brain teaser is hollow or has pieces inside it and what those pieces may be in terms of shape. The challenge of a metal brain teaser may be to locate and remove a piece from it that is hidden within and the weight of this hidden piece if heavy enough may help to reveal its location and therefore also help to come up with a way to get access to it. A metal brain teaser can be a maze challenge and when the pieces of it are heavy then for me I find it easier to guide one or more pieces through the maze or mazes than I do with mazes with lighter pieces which can be very fiddly and annoying challenges. A metal brain teaser that involves the need to balance or hold multiple pieces steadily in place in order to solve it I find can be a difficult proposition if they are of different weights and particularly if one piece is heavier than another or the other pieces. On the other hand, light pieces can be very tricky and fiddly to hold into place or kept balanced as balancing and holding objects in place requires in part a certain amount of feel and with light metal puzzles pieces I can sometimes barely feel them in my hand at all which for me makes this kind of task/challenge difficult and why I prefer and find it easier to do it when the metal puzzle has heavier pieces.

I like to be able to grapple with a metal brain teaser as this is what I find fun in particular about doing a physical puzzle and grappling with it is often how I deduce what I can and can't do with it which usually ultimately leads me to the solution. I want to be able to do this without the metal brain teaser breaking and I find it is usually the heavier ones with the heavier pieces that I can really wrestle with without worrying they will break or deform and won't work properly anymore. Some metal puzzles have more replayability than others with this replayability also depending on what kind of challenge I like and how good I want to get at it but if a metal puzzle has a lot of replayability for me then I will want it to physically hold up for at least as long as I am going to be playing with it which could be weeks or even months. Once I am familiar with a metal puzzle and I know how it works and what the correct solution is then grappling with it may not even be necessary anymore as the solution doesn't require it so from this point on the puzzle will be put under much less stress when I use it which means there is less chance of damage being done to it than there was when I was wrestling with it at the beginning which is the period it needs to be robust for. Heavy metal brain teasers can still have parts to it that are potentially vulnerable to breaking so I still need to be somewhat careful when first using one and don't automatically think on feeling that it is heavy and that it looks on first glance robust that it won't have parts hidden from view that could potentially break if too much pressure is applied to them or manoeuvred in a way they shouldn't. Light metal brain teasers can often be bent or parts of them bent and this can make it possible to cheat and solve the puzzle in a way it is not meant to be and this could even happen by accident or I do it because I think this is how the puzzle should be solved and then I think I have solved it correctly when I have not and have missed out on what the trick of the puzzle is. A metal brain teaser being light in weight doesn't always mean it is weak and will break easily but it is better to assume it is and treat and play with it from the beginning as such in order to avoid having to replace it before I have even solved it or got the full use out of it. If the metal brain teaser does look weak regardless of the weight then I won't grapple with it as the puzzle should be able to be solved without having to put a great force or pressure on it or by being able to easily detect a manoeuvre or a kind of force that could break it. The robustness of a metal brain teaser or how prone it is to damage is something I could check in a review and verify if this is true with other reviews if there are reviews I can find of it before I start to use it and this review or reviews may tell me what in particular about it is vulnerable and could be damaged or broken if this is the case and even how to avoid this happening.

When a metal brain teaser is heavy or its parts are in weight it can help to ensure it or they stay still and don't move when left alone either when it or they are in the palm of my hand or being laid down on a surface of some sort. The shape of the puzzle and the surface it is put on will also be important to this because if the metal brain teaser is, for example, a round spherical ball which they sometimes are or parts of them are then no matter how heavy it or they are then it or they will have the ability to roll and could be difficult if not impossible when placed on certain surfaces to keep still. The surface is also a big factor in whether a metal brain teaser will be able to stay still or not when left alone as smooth, flat and non-horizontal surfaces can all make this potentially very tricky to achieve. I would want the metal brain teaser or the parts of it to stay still for many reasons including for display purposes, not to lose any of the parts, in order to be able to put the puzzle together and to observe and inspect the pieces of the puzzle carefully. I may also want the metal brain teaser or a piece of it to stay still or move as little as possible even if I touch it or nudge it or that I can feel and know when I have touched or moved the metal puzzle or a piece of it and I am much more likely to get this with a heavy metal brain teaser and when the pieces of it are heavy depending of course on the shape of it/them and the surface it or they are put on. I could possibly even use a metal brain teaser when it is not too large in size and when it is heavy enough and will stay still by itself as a paperweight as a lot of metal puzzles look ornamental anyway and the puzzle would be also available to play with at my desk when I have time and I am bored. The fact that a metal puzzle is heavy in weight or the pieces of it are can make it/them more difficult to lose dependant of course on other factors such as size, colour, the number of pieces it has and the shape as being heavy in weight can mean it/they will stay in place or not move very far when accidentally or unintentionally moved or knocked into or that if the metal puzzle or one of the pieces of it is lying on the floor lost it will be more noticeable when treading on it or feeling for it by hand due to the big weight of it/them. I still need to be careful and take the right precautions to avoid losing a metal brain teaser or a piece of it even if it is heavy in weight as this doesn't mean it is impervious to being lost especially if it is small in size.

A metal brain teaser that weighs a lot can be uncomfortable to carry either when I am holding it in my hand(s), putting it in the pocket of a piece of clothing I am wearing or when put in a rucksack or other type of bag I am carrying. Holding a heavy metal brain teaser in my hand or hands for an extended period of time while I carry it with me does sometimes cause my arms or hands/fingers to ache or even feel pain but I can negate this somewhat for a puzzle that demands only one hand to hold it by switching the hand that holds the puzzle when I first start to feel the pain or when the load starts to become too much for that hand to bear. When a heavy metal brain teaser is put in my pocket to carry it can hit against my body when walking which can be painful for me at times but to negate this I could rap the puzzle in a cloth or some sort of soft material. Another issue with putting a metal brain teaser that weighs a lot in the pocket of a piece of clothing that I am wearing is that this can sometimes cause that piece of clothing to pull down and sag to one side and look odd which can be embarrassing if the piece of clothing is my pants and I have quickly learnt to wear a belt to stop this from happening. When the piece of clothing has been a jacket then the heavy metal brain teaser has caused the jacket to pull down on my neck when I put the puzzle into the pocket of the jacket which can be irritating and could even distort the shape of the jacket and it would be best when this is the case to put the puzzle or carry it somewhere else on me. A rucksack could be the best option for when I carry with me a larger and very heavy metal brain teaser although rucksacks do have limited space and may not fit the very biggest in size of metal puzzles. The rucksack could also become very strenuous or even painful to carry on me if it has a very heavy metal brain teaser inside it so I may have to take regular breaks and put it down to avoid this or I could switch shoulders that I carry it on or if the rucksack will allow to carry it on both shoulders in order to not put all the burden/load on one of my shoulders. Some metal brain teasers could be too heavy for a plastic carrier bag or certainly when there are a few of them in the carrier bag and just rip the bag and fall through but I could combine a few carrier bags into one carrier bag by putting one inside the other and this may support the puzzle(s). Switching the hand I use to hold the carrier bag with that has the metal brain teaser(s) in and taking breaks from carrying it could help me with coping with the load when it is heavy and help to ensure I don't possibly injure myself. The shape of the heavy metal brain teaser could make it even more uncomfortable for me to carry if it has, for example, protrusions or sharp points that could potentially dig into my body and if this could potentially happen where I carry or place the puzzle on or with me then I will have to wrap it with some sort of soft and maybe thick material to protect myself. It is best to avoid carrying too many heavy metal puzzles with or on me at the same time and just carry with me the one I am going to use and play with to avoid carrying the unnecessary weight and possibly hurting myself but if I have to carry and transport many then a suitcase with wheels might be the best way of doing this as it should, for the most part, eliminate the carrying.

Storing or displaying a heavy metal brain teaser might be problematic as whatever it is put in or placed on needs to be able to support the weight of it and this is more likely to be a problem if I am storing or displaying more than one of them together. I will look to store or display the heavy metal puzzle(s) somewhere that is designed to hold or has in the past held weight with no issues that is similar to or more than the metal puzzles I intend to put in it or on it. Certainly, a handheld metal puzzle that is small enough in size to fit in the palm of my hands (which a lot of metal puzzles are) by itself is not likely to cause a shelf to collapse no matter how heavy it is but a lot of them together possibly might. Therefore I should try not to put too many of these heavy in weight smaller metal puzzles in or on the same place when storing or displaying them so that the weight of them doesn't cause what they are on or in to break even if the result of that means they are taking up more space. A shelf is often a place I will put puzzles to display them or just to put them away and if I want to put metal brain teasers on a shelf but I feel they could be too heavy for it then I might be able to put extra brackets up to ensure the shelf can withstand this load. The place I store a metal brain teaser that weighs a lot or that I store multiple of them could well be a drawer or crate in which the puzzle(s) would likely move about when what they are placed in is moved which could possibly lead to damage to the puzzles themselves or that what they have been placed in. Therefore I need to be careful when opening and closing the drawer or moving the crate about that the puzzles are in to avoid this from happening by operating and moving the drawer or crate slowly and steadily or another solution to this could be even wrapping the puzzles in something to protect them and what they have been placed like bubble wrap. Also, it would be a good idea to place carefully and not just throw a heavy metal puzzle into a crate or drawer as throwing it could damage the crate or drawer or the puzzle itself and also the other metal brain teasers that could be in there. With a large heavy metal brain teaser, I will need to think about and find a space that could fit it in or on as well as somewhere that can support the weight of it which can make it even more tricky than a smaller heavy metal brain teaser to find a place to store or display it. This place may well end up being on the floor but a part of the floor that is out of the way from me potentially tripping over or bumping into the large heavy metal puzzle but if this large metal brain teaser can be disassembled it may be best to forget about the hassle of finding a place to display it and instead dismantle it into its individual parts so it is consequently smaller and therefore easier to store away.

I always try to avoid playing with handheld metal puzzles that weigh a lot for lengthy periods at a time and if do I try to take regular breaks with these pauses also being sufficient in length so that I don't start to feel the strain of the weight of the puzzle on the parts of my body it can put a strain on. With heavy metal puzzles that are handheld, I can sometimes feel the strain of that weight on my fingers, hands, wrists and arms when I have played with them for long periods of time without breaks and sometimes even with breaks. These body parts can feel to me a little sore or ache after having played with a handheld heavy metal puzzle for a significant period of time and my fingers and hands can also sometimes even cramp up. I have never experienced any significant pain or injury from playing with a heavy handheld metal puzzle even when having played with one for hours just on occasion as mentioned very light aches and pains or that my hands have cramped up. It is not just holding a heavy handheld metal puzzle up for long periods of time that seems to cause me physical issues but also the manoeuvring of the parts of it which can also be heavy that can also cause me issues especially if these heavy parts need some real force to manoeuvre them as can be the case sometimes. What does seem to have helped for me is to put my elbows on the table when holding up the heavy handheld metal puzzle whilst sitting down at the table so that the elbow takes some of the load and strain the puzzle places on me. I also put the heavy handheld metal puzzle down on the table when it is not necessary to hold it such as when contemplating the next move or when it does not need to be held up to perform the move I want or that is necessary to do in order to give hands, wrists and arms a break whenever possible. With some handheld metal puzzles that weigh a lot my hands, fingers, wrists and arms do seem to adjust to the load or strain they put on me after having played a number of times with them and these body parts don't feel sore or ache as they had done in the beginning after I had played with them for a significant period of time in one sitting but even so I still try even when this is the case to now be careful and use the puzzles as if they do or could cause me these kinds of physical issues to be safe. A metal brain teaser may only be heavy when it is all put together and the individual separable pieces it consists of are light in weight so in this case, it may be then that when putting the puzzle together it is only at the end of the challenge when most of the pieces have been put together that it starts to feel heavy to me and that is when there are potential issues that come with it being heavy. It can be that some parts of a metal brain teaser are heavy in weight and others are not and when this is the case and if I do start to feel the strain of the puzzle from the heavy pieces then I might be able to just focus on the light pieces if that is possible to reduce this strain until I feel it has gone. A big metal construction puzzle that weighs a lot when complete I find can usually be built from the base upwards and I can just add the other pieces of this puzzle to this base and to the other pieces I have already added to this base unit it is fully assembled. This base will be placed on a table or floor that will take the weight of the puzzle for me as it is being constructed so that I should then only have to take the weight of the individual pieces as I add them to the base and the other pieces I have added to the base. It could be that the base is only the base of one section of the big heavy metal construction puzzle and that I will have to at some point when this section is complete lift it up to connect it to another section of the puzzle to complete the puzzle but that should hopefully be the only heavy lifting involved.

In summary, metal puzzles that are heavy in weight can potentially pose a number of issues for me whilst I play with and use them that a light in weight one would not such as manoeuvring the pieces of them or the physical strain that some have put on me in the past but they do often feel the best to play with in my opinion as I like to be able to wrestle with a challenge both physically and mentally and can often do this without the risk of damaging the metal brain teaser when it is a heavy one.


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